CONTACT: Tammie Day on +61459247122 immediately to notify of any incidents that may affect the wellbeing and welfare of Vibrant Women Travel Guests and or any other people involved I the delivery of tours.ย Incident Report Form 1. General InformationDate of Incident Month Day Year Reported By:Host/Tour LeaderName of TourSeriousness of Incident: Accident Near Accident Others Place of IncidentBrief Description of IncidentActions taken by the leader:2. Personal InformationName of Guest First Last Description of InjuryDid the person require medical treatment? Yes No Was the person offered medical treatment? Yes No Was the person transferred to the hospital? Yes No If yes, which hospital?Or, Did the person involved refused hospital treatment Yes No Did the person require any other sort of medical treatment? Yes No Was first aid applied? Yes No By Whom, when and what?Other InformationPlease list any other relevant information below. Anything that could assist with understanding the incident (i.e. the guest has had several brain hemorrhages in the past). Any information that could assist with medical treatment in the future (ie the guest has a DNA in their advanced health directive). Anything that could assist in a legal matter in the future (i.e. guest was intoxicated when slipped). Any other details that might give the incident context. Δ